Great cows, great care
Taking special care of our dear bovine companions is what we live for and strive to do every day because that is what is right. We are committed to achieve the highest level of animal welfare where each animal is respected and given the best we can offer in nutrition, health care and comfort.
Investing in the future
The calves and heifers are the future cows of our milking herd and they receive a lot of hands on caretaking in the first few months of life. We raise each calf in its own “home” for the first two months after birth to limit disease transmission from calf to calf. This also is the time where we introduce solid foods such as grain and hay besides milk to begin the transition to an adult diet.
Feeling friendly
Our gentle approach to caring for our cows since birth builds a strong bond of trust with them at a very early age. They often come to us with little hesitation, so we usually receive sniffs and licks as their greeting!
A legendairy cow
Our pursuit of the best animal care possible can be seen in the results of one cow in particular. Our beloved “Granny” cow who lived to be 20 years old was a former world record holder for lifetime milk production and she still holds the United States record today. Small, quiet and unassuming, she made history without a fuss and all we did was give her a home to thrive in--her super genetics did the rest. We miss her and we are humbled by her legacy.
Life is good
Cows are our passion and that has remained unchanged over five generations. The goal for every cow at Koepke Farms is to live a long and good life for the time we are together. We give them the environmental foundation for reaching their genetic potential in milk production. We are always taking the long-term view in what is best for our animals and for the land that sustains them and us. Providing top-level individual care helps the cows live well while making milk that is of the highest quality to become LaBelle cheese.